
    2024-03-01 16:36:26           浏览数:0


     姓名: 潘青                      性别:男

     学历:研究生                    学位:博士

     政治面貌:中共党员          职称:正高级


          潘青,博士,教授,山东省“泰山学者”青年专家,hga030皇冠手机登录地址“特支计划”拔尖人才。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目/青年项目、国家重点研发计划子课题等项目8项,主要研究成果以第一/通讯作者发表Emerg Microbes Infect、J Virol、Vet Microbiol等SCI论文23篇,获得新兽药证书2项,申报新兽药证书4项,获得国家发明专利9件,获批农业行业标准2项。兼任国家自然科学基金同行评议专家、《农业生物技术学报》编辑委员会青年编委、中国兽医协会团体标准技术委员会家禽疾病诊疗分会委员、Front Microbiol和Vaccines杂志Guest Editor等。


  1. 家禽/水禽重要病毒病分子流行病学及病原学

  2. 血清4型禽腺病毒(FAdV-4)载体联合疫苗创制

  3. FAdV-4等新发疫病感染致病的分子机制




  2013.7-2014.6,美国Morehouse School of Medicine,访问学者







  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32072879,新发血清4型禽腺病毒功能基因的鉴定及疫苗载体的研究,2021/01-2024/12,58万元,主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31602073,血清4型禽腺病毒ORF19、ORF27的天然缺失与病毒毒力增强的相关性研究,2017/01-2019/12,20万元,主持。

  3. 山东省“泰山学者”青年专家人才项目,2023/01-2026/01,75万元,主持。

  4. hga030皇冠手机登录地址高层次人才启动经费,100万元,主持。

  5. 横向课题-鸡干扰素评价,青岛英特凡恩生物科技有限公司,70万元,主持。

  6. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2016YFD0500803-3,家禽重要免疫抑制病血清学诊断新技术研究,2016/07-2020/12,190万元,主持。

  7. 黑龙江省科学基金青年项目,QC2017029,REV-gp90与宿主互作蛋白的筛选及其介导病毒感染的机制研究,2017/10-2020/10,5万元,主持。

  8. 农业行业标准制定项目,2016-25-2,禽包涵体肝炎-心包积水综合征诊断技术, 2016/01-2016/12,8万元,主持。


  1. 血清4型禽腺病毒反向遗传疫苗株rR188I及其构建方法和应用,专利号:ZL202110308742.0。2023年。潘青,王笑梅,高玉龙,祁小乐,刘长军,崔红玉,刘爱晶,张艳萍,李凯,高立。

  2. 一种检测J亚群禽白血病病毒抗体的ELISA试剂盒及其应用,专利号:ZL201910367890.2。2021年。高玉龙,王笑梅,潘青,祁小乐,王永强,刘长军,王牟平,崔红玉,张艳萍,李凯,高立,高宏雷。

  3. 一株稳定表达A亚群禽白血病病毒gp85蛋白的细胞系及应用,专利号:ZL201910439753.5。2022年。高玉龙,王笑梅,刘长军,潘青,祁小乐,王永强,张艳萍,李凯,高立,崔红玉,高宏雷。

  4. 一种检测A、B亚群禽白血病病毒抗体的ELISA试剂盒及其应用,专利号:ZL201910406683.3。2022年。高玉龙,王笑梅,祁小乐,潘青,王永强,刘长军,李凯,高立,王牟平,崔红玉,张艳萍,高宏雷。

  5. 一株自然适应体外细胞培养的鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒经典株及其应用,专利号:ZL202010090643.5。2021年。祁小乐,王笑梅,高玉龙,高立,李凯,崔红玉,刘长军,潘青,张艳萍。

  6. 原儿茶酸在制备防治畜禽病毒感染性疾病的药物中的应用,专利号:ZL201110045158.7。2012年。何诚,欧长波,陈曦,潘青。

  7. 流产嗜性衣原体外膜重组蛋白及其编码基因与应用,专利号:ZL201110048567.2。2013年。何诚,杨君敬,凌勇,潘青,欧长波。

  8. 流产嗜性衣原体外膜蛋白单克隆抗体及其应用,专利号:ZL201110098276.4。2012年。何诚,杨君敬,凌勇,潘青,欧长波。

  9. 肉桂酸在制备防治畜禽病毒感染的药物中的应用,专利号:ZL201210044512.9。2013年。何诚,欧长波,潘青。


  1. I群禽腺病毒检测方法(NY/T 4027-2021,2021年,第1完成人)。

  2. 禽偏肺病毒感染诊断技术(NY/T 4039-2021,2021年,第10完成人)





  1. Pan Q#, Wang J#, Gao Y, Wang Q, Cui H, Liu C, Qi X, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Li K, Gao L, Liu A*, Wang X*. Identification of chicken CAR homology as a cellular receptor for the emerging highly pathogenic fowl adenovirus 4 via unique binding mechanism. Emerg Microbes Infect, 2020, 9(1): 586-596.

  2. Yu Zhang, Aijing Liu, Yanan Wang, Hongyu Cui, Yulong Gao, Xiaole Qi, Changjun Liu, Yanping Zhang, Kai Li, Li Gao, Qing Pan*, Xiaomei Wang*. A Single Amino Acid at Residue 188 of Hexon Protein is Responsible for the Pathogenicity of the Emerging Novel Fowl Adenovirus 4. J Virol, 2021, 95(17): e00603-21.

  3. Liu A#, Pan Q#, Li Y, Yan N, Wang J, Yang B, Chen Z, Qi X, Gao Y, Gao L, Liu C, Zhang Y, Cui H, Li K, Wang Y*, Wang X*. Identification of Chicken CD74 as a Novel Cellular Attachment Receptor for Infectious Bursal Disease Virus in Bursa B Lymphocytes. J Virol, 2020, 94(2): e01712-19.

  4. Aijing Liu, Yu Zhang, Hongyu Cui, Xiaomei Wang, Yulong Gao*, Qing Pan*. Advances in Vaccine Development of the Emerging Novel Genotype Fowl Adenovirus 4. Front Immunol, 2022, 13:916290.

  5. Aijing Liu, Yu Zhang, Jing Wang, Hongyu Cui, Xiaole Qi, Changjun Liu, Yanping Zhang, Kai Li, Li Gao, Xiaomei Wang, Yulong Gao, Qing Pan*. Complete Genome Analysis and Animal Model Development of Fowl Adenovirus 8b. Viruses, 2022, 14(8):1826.

  6. Yu Zhang, Aijing Liu, Nan Jiang, Xiaole Qi, Yulong Gao, Hongyu Cui, Changjun Liu, Yanping Zhang, Kai Li, Li Gao, Xiaomei Wang*, Qing Pan*. A novel inactivated bivalent vaccine for chickens against emerging hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome and infectious bursal disease. Vet Microbiol, 2022, 266:109375.

  7. Qing Pan, Yu Zhang, Aijing Liu, Hongyu Cui, Yulong Gao, Xiaole Qi, Changjun Liu, Yanping Zhang, Kai Li, Li Gao, Xiaomei Wang*. Development of a Novel Avian Vaccine Vector Derived From the Emerging Fowl Adenovirus 4. Front Microbiol, 2021, 12:780978.

  8. Yu Zhang#, Qing Pan#, Rongrong Guo, Aijing Liu, Zhuangzhuang Xu, Yulong Gao, Hongyu Cui, Changjun Liu, Xiaole Qi, Yanping Zhang, Kai Li, Li Gao, Xiaomei Wang*. Immunogenicity of Novel Live Vaccine Based on an Artificial rHN20 Strain against Emerging Fowl Adenovirus 4. Viruses. 2021, 13(11):2153.

  9. Yu Zhang, Aijing Liu, Hongyu Cui, Xiaole Qi, Changjun Liu, Yanping Zhang, Kai Li, Li Gao, Xiaomei Wang, Qing Pan*, Yulong Gao. An inactivated vaccine based on artificial non-pathogenic fowl adenovirus 4 protects chickens against hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome. Vet Microbiol, 2021, 264:109285.

  10. Zhige Tian#, Qing Pan#, Miaomiao Zheng, Ying Deng, Peng Guo, Feng Cong, Xiaoliang Hu. Molecular characterization of the FCoV-like canine coronavirus HLJ-071 in China. BMC Vet Res, 2021, 17(1):364.

  11. Qing Pan#, Jing Wang#, Altaf Hussain, Yulong Gao, Hongyu Cui, Kai Li, Xiaole Qi, Changjun Liu, Yanping Zhang, Shide Zhang, Xiaomei Wang. An optimized secretory expression system and immunogenicity evaluation for glycosylated gp90 of avian reticuloendotheliosis virus. Vet Res, 2020, 51(1):133.

  12. Wang J, Zaheer I, Saleemi MK*, Qi X, Gao Y, Cui H, Li K, Gao L, Fayyaz A, Hussain A, Liu C, Zhang Y, Wang X, Pan Q*. The first complete genome sequence and pathogenicity characterization of fowl adenovirus 11 from chickens with inclusion body hepatitis in Pakistan. Vet Microbiol, 2020, 244:108670.

  13. Pan Q#, Wang J#, Gao Y, Cui H, Liu C, Qi X, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Li K, Gao L, Wang X*. Development and application of a novel ELISA for detecting antibodies against group I fowl adenoviruses. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2020, 104(2): 853-859.

  14. Pan Q, Wang J, Gao Y, Cui H, Liu C, Qi X, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Wang X*. Identification of two novel fowl adenovirus C-specific B cell epitopes using monoclonal antibodies against the capsid hexon protein. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2018, 102(21): 9243-9253.

  15. Pan Q, Wang J, Gao Y, Cui H, Liu C, Qi X, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Wang X*. The Natural Large Genomic Deletion Is Unrelated to the Increased Virulence of the Novel Genotype Fowl Adenovirus 4 Recently Emerged in China. Viruses. 2018, 10(9): 494.

  16. Pan Q, Yang Y, Shi Z, Liu L, Gao Y, Qi X, Liu C, Zhang Y, Cui H, Wang X*. Different Dynamic Distribution in Chickens and Ducks of the Hypervirulent, Novel Genotype Fowl Adenovirus Serotype 4 Recently Emerged in China. Front Microbiol. 2017, 8: 1005.

  17. Pan Q, Yang Y, Gao Y, Qi X, Liu C, Zhang Y, Cui H, Wang X*. An inactiviated novel-genotype fowl adenovirus 4 protects chickens against the hydropericardium syndrome recently emerged in China. Viruses. 2017, 9(8): 216.

  18. Pan Q#, Zhang Q#, Chu J, Pais R, Liu S, He C*, Eko FO*. Chlamydia abortus Pmp18.1 Induces IL-1β Secretion by TLR4 Activation through the MyD88, NF-κB, and Caspase-1 Signaling Pathways. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2017, 7: 514.

  19. Pan Q#, Liu L#, Gao Y, Liu C, Qi X, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Li K, Gao L, Wang X*, Cui H*. Characterization of a hypervirulent fowl adenovirus 4 with the novel genotype newly prevalent in China and establishment of reproduction infection model of hydropericardium syndrome in chickens. Poult Sci. 2017, 96(6): 1581-1588.

  20. Pan Q, Liu L, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Qi X, Liu C, Gao Y, Wang X*, Cui H*. The first whole genome sequence and pathogenicity characterization of a fowl adenovirus 4 isolated from ducks associated with inclusion body hepatitis and hydropericardium syndrome. Avian Pathol. 2017, 46(5): 571-578.

  21. Pan Q, Pais R, Ohandjo A, He C, He Q, Omosun Y, Igietseme JU, Eko FO*. Comparative evaluation of the protective efficacy of two formulations of a recombinant Chlamydia abortus subunit candidate vaccine in a mouse model. Vaccine. 2015, 33(15): 1865-1872.

  22. Pan Q, Liu A, He C*. Co-infection of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale with Streptococcus zooepidemicus in chickens. Avian Dis. 2012, 56(4): 680-684.

  23. Pan Q, Liu A, Zhang F, Ling Y, Ou C, Hou N, He C*. Co-infection of broilers with Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale and H9N2 avian influenza virus. BMC Vet Res. 2012, 8:104.
