
    2023-07-06 11:40:27           浏览数:0


  姓  名:朱士勇                                  性  别:男

  民  族:汉                                         出生年月:1991.09

  政治面貌:中共党员                          学  位:博士研究生

  邮  箱:shiyongzhu@qau.edu.cn     职  称:副高级



  1. 2019.09-2022.08,东北农业大学动物医学学院,兽医学,博士

  2. 2014.09-2017.06,东北农业大学动物医学学院,临床兽医学,硕士

  3. 2010.09-2014.06,东北农业大学动物医学学院,动物医学(本硕连读),学士


  1. 2023.02-至今,hga030皇冠手机登录地址,hga030皇冠手机登录地址,讲师

  2. 2017.07-2019.08,中山大学中山眼科中心,眼科学国家重点实验室,技术员


  1. SIRT3介导的线粒体健康调控在阿特拉津致睾丸毒性损伤机制(项目编号:32172932),国家自然科学基金面上项目,58万,2022.01-2025.12.(参加)

  2. 线粒体自噬在低剂量镉暴露对鸡肝脏抗损伤中的作用(项目编号:31572586),国家自然科学基金面上项目,76.6万,2016.01-2019.12.(参加)

  3. 线粒体健康调控在番茄红素拮抗阿特拉津致鸡卵巢毒性中的作用(项目编号:ZD2021C003),黑龙江省自然科学基金重点项目,50万,2021.7.01-2024.7.01.(参加)

  4. Ca2+/CaM/CaMKII信号通路在镉致神经嵴干细胞毒性中的作用及调控机制(项目编号:JC2017005),黑龙江省杰出青年科学基金项目,50万,2017.10.01-2020.10.01.(参加)



  1. Shi-Yong Zhu, Xue-Nan Li, Xue-Yan Dai, Jin-Long Li. Prenatal Cadmium Exposure Impairs Neural Tube Closure via Inducing Excessive Apoptosis in Neuroepithelium. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2023 (IF2022 6.9; 中科院二区)

  2. Shi-Yong Zhu, Jun-Ze Jiang, Jia Lin, Lin Liu, Jian-Ying Guo, Jin-Long Li. Lycopene ameliorates atrazine-induced spatial learning and memory impairments through inhibiting ferroptosis in the hippocampus of mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2023 (IF2022 4.3; 中科院二区)

  3. Shi-Yong Zhu, Xue-Nan Li, Yi Zhao, Xue-Yan Dai, Jian-Ying Guo, Jin-Long Li. Atrazine Induced Oxidative Damage in B Cell Zone via Targeting miR-27a-3p/Foxo1 and the Amelioration of Lycopene. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2022 (IF2022 6.1; 中科院一区TOP)

  4. Shi-Yong Zhu, Chen-Xi Li, Yu-Xuan Tong, Ya-Ru Xu, Zhao-Yi Wang, Jin-Long Li. IL-6/STAT3/Foxo1 axis as a target of lycopene ameliorates the atrazine-induced thymic mitophagy and pyroptosis cross-talk. Food & Function. 2022 (IF2022 6.1; 中科院一区TOP)

  5. Shi-Yong Zhu, Jian-Ying Guo, Jin-Yang Li, Xue-Yan Dai, Xue-Nan Li, Jin-Long Li. Lycopene Ameliorates Atrazine-Induced Pyroptosis in Spleen via Suppressing the Ox-mtDNA/Nlrp3 Inflammasome Pathway. Food & Function. 2022 (IF2022 6.1; 中科院一区TOP)

  6. Shi-Yong Zhu, Xiao-Wei Li, Yue-Qiang Huang, Milton Talukder, Xue-Yan Dai, Yi Zhao, Jin-Long Li. In silico analysis of selenoprotein N (Gallus gallus): Absence of EF-hand motif and the role of CUGS-helix domain in antioxidant protection. Metallomics. 2021 (IF2021 4.636; 中科院二区)

  7. Shi-Yong Zhu, Xue-Nan Li, Xiao-Chen Sun, Jia Lin, Wei Li, Cong Zhang, Jin-Long Li. Biochemical characterization of the selenoproteome in Gallus gallus via bioinformatics analysis: structure-function relationships and interactions of binding molecules. Metallomics. 2017 (IF2017 4.069; 中科院二区; 封面文章)

  8. Dian-Lei Guo, Jia-Li Ru, Li-Jing Xie, Ming-Juan Wu, Ying-Chun Su, Shi-Yong Zhu, Shu-Juan Xu, Bin Zou, Yan-Hong Wei, Xia-Lin Liu, Yi-Zhi Liu, Chun-Qiao Liu. Tmem138 is localized to the connecting cilium essential for rhodopsin localization and outer segment biogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2022 (IF2022 11.1; 中科院一区TOP)
