
    2019-06-29 19:39:50 来源:hga030皇冠手机登录地址          浏览数:0


  姓      名:刘拂晓             性 别:男

  生      日:1984-01-09     学 位:博 士

  导师情况:硕士生导师      籍 贯:青 岛

  职       称:副高级            邮 箱:laudawn@126.com


  病毒是自然界最小的生命单元,它足够微小以至于本身不具有任何代谢机制,必须依赖于活细胞进行增殖。刘拂晓博士的研究兴趣是利用反向遗传学(Reverse Genetics)技术,对病毒,尤其RNA病毒,进行基因改造,从而拯救(或称复活)具有活性的重组病毒,进而深入研究病毒的分子机制,包括复制、转录、调控等。刘拂晓博士近三年专注于塞尼卡病毒的研究工作,近期借助反向遗传技术,与科研同事合作证明了塞尼卡病毒存在基因组间同源重组现象(如图)。塞尼卡病毒是一种新发病毒,仍有许多未解之谜值得探究,刘拂晓博士希望与各位科研同行一道,对该病毒且不限于该病毒进行深入的分子机制研究工作。




   1.  Liu F, Wang Q, Meng H, Zhao D, Hao X, Zhang S, Lu J, Shan H. Experimental evidence for occurrence of putative copy-choice recombination between two Senecavirus A genomes. Vet Microbiol. 2022;271: 109487.

    2.  Liu F, Zhao D, Wang N, et al. Tolerance of Senecavirus A to mutations in its kissing-loop or pseudoknot structure computationally predicted in 3' untranslated region. Front Microbiol. 2022;13: 889480.

    3. Liu F, Wang Q, Wang N, Shan H. Impacts of single nucleotide deletions from the 3' end of Senecavirus A 5' untranslated region on activity of viral IRES and on rescue of recombinant virus. Virology. 2021;563:126-33.

    4. Liu F, Wang N, Wang Q, Shan H. Motif mutations in pseudoknot stem I upstream of start codon in Senecavirus A genome: Impacts on activity of viral IRES and on rescue of recombinant virus. Vet Microbiol. 2021;262:109223.

    5. Liu F, Wang N, Huang Y, Wang Q, Shan H. Stem II-disrupting pseudoknot does not abolish ability of Senecavirus A IRES to initiate protein expression, but inhibits recovery of virus from cDNA clone. Vet Microbiol. 2021;255:109024.

    6. Liu F, Huang Y, Wang Q, Li J, Shan H. Rescue of Senecavirus A to uncover mutation profiles of its progenies during 80 serial passages in vitro. Vet Microbiol. 2021;253:108969.




