
    2019-10-10 10:01:31           浏览数:0


  姓名:       于永乐           性别:男

  政治面貌:中共党员       学位:理学博士


                             社会兼职情况:中国畜牧兽医学会动物生理生化分会会员 山东省科技特派员



  1. 2007-09至2011-07:hga030皇冠手机登录地址,动物科学专业,学士

  2. 2011-09至2014-07:hga030皇冠手机登录地址,预防兽医学专业,硕士

  3. 2015-09至2019-07:中国农业大学,生物化学与分子生物学专业,博士









  参与横向项目-水貂犬瘟热、病毒性肠炎二联灭活疫苗的研制  150万犬瘟热、犬细小病毒病二联灭活疫苗的研制   150万


  1. Yu Y., Su J., Wang J., Xi J., Mao Y., Hou Q., Zhang X., Liu W. (2017). A rapid method for establishment of a reverse genetics system for canine parvovirus. Virus Genes 53, 876-882.

  2. Yu Y., Zhang J., Wang J., Xi J., Zhang X., Li P., Liu Y., Liu W. (2018). Naturally-occurring right terminal hairpin mutations in three genotypes of canine parvovirus (CPV-2a, CPV-2b and CPV-2c) have no effect on their growth characteristics. Virus Research 261,31-36.

  3. Zhang C, Yu Y, Yang H, Li G, Yu Z, Zhang H, Shan H. (2014). Development of a PCR-RFLP assay for the detection and differentiation of canine parvovirus and mink enteritis virus. J Virol Methods 210:1-6.

  4. Xi J., Wang J., Yu Y., Zhang X., Mao Y., Hou Q., Liu W. (2016). Genetic characterization of the complete genome of an Aleutian mink disease virus isolated in north China. Virus Genes 52, 463-473.

  5. Xi J., Zhang Y., Wang J., Yu Y., Zhang X., Li Z., Cui S., Liu W. (2017). Generation of an infectious clone of AMDV and identification of capsid residues essential for infectivity in cell culture. Virus Research 242, 58-65.

  6. Zhang, X., Wang, J., Mao, Y., Xi, J., Yu, Y., and Liu, W. (2017). Induction and suppression of type I interferon responses by mink enteritis virus in CRFK cells. Veterinary Microbiology 199, 8-14.

  7. Mao Y., Wang J., Hou Q., Xi J., Zhang X., Bian D., Yu Y., Wang X., Liu W. (2016). Comparison of biological and genomic characteristics between a newly isolated mink enteritis parvovirus MEV-LHV and an attenuated strain MEV-L. Virus Genes 52, 388-396.

  8. Cheng N., Zhao Y ., Han Q ., Zhang W ., Xi J ., Yu Y ., Wang H ., Li G ., Gao Y ., Yang S ., Liu W ., Xia X. (2018).Development of a reverse genetics system for a feline panleukopenia virus. Virus genes. Epub ahead of print.

  9. 于永乐,王吉贵,郗冀,毛亚萍,侯蔷,张晓梅,刘维全.犬细小病毒北京分离株的鉴定及其全基因组序列分析[J].中国兽医学报,2017,37(06):1023-1029.

  10. 于永乐,张传美,张倩,杨海燕,杨瑞梅,张洪亮,单虎.犬细小病毒山东分离株VP2基因的克隆与遗传变异分析[J].中国兽医杂志,2015,51(08):10-13.

  11. 于永乐,张传美,杨海燕,杨瑞梅,张洪亮,单虎.水貂肠炎病毒SYBR GreenⅠ荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立[J].兽类学报,2015,35(01):102-109.

  12. 于永乐,宫文妮,杨海燕,赵秀美,张传美,张洪亮,单虎.犬细小病毒山东流行株分离鉴定及其全基因组测序分析[J].中国兽医杂志,2014,50(08):6-9.

  13. 程楠,赵永坤,于永乐,希冀,王化磊,冯娜,张渭蛟,高玉伟,杨松涛,刘维全,夏咸柱.猫细小病毒HH-1/86株理化性质鉴定及全基因组测序[J].中国兽医学报,2017,37(05):818-822.
